Memiks WebSite

How to integrate a Gallery of photos in Pelican ?

Need for a Gallery ?

I am planning to take some pictures of my Electronics tests or other hobbies and maybe share them with you so I would like to have the possibility to share them on my website.

Possibilities ?

  • include each pictures as part of an article
    • This could take lot of time
    • This is not really user friendly (at least for me)
    • I would like to automatise this sharing process
  • Use another tool than Pelican ?
    • I could also but for that I need to find another tool
    • I need also to update by updating tool chain to do it automatically
    • This will be difficult to find a static generator for this...
  • Use a pelican plugin ?
    • I need to find one
    • maybe adapt something

My current search

I found a pelican plugin for that : Photos. I will test it and check if he can fit my needs.

how does it work ?